Do you lead with courage?

Do you lead with courage?
Jun 6, 2023
We all have our own opinions on who we believe to be great leaders; however, there are certain things they all have in common. Here are some of those.

We might be tempted to think of courageous and heroic when we think of great leaders. Whether from history, politics, sports, or examples from your own lives.

 The leader is the person at the vanguard of the army, leading the charge and

taking the brunt of any enemy attacks. That’s what it means to be a leader in comics.

books and films, after all!

Of course, this is different from the reality for most of us. Most people will be managers and

parents, where there is very little gunfire or charging.

But that doesn’t mean you can rest on your laurels. It is still very important to be.

courageous and heroic. It’s just that this courage will take a different form.

Leading Through Actions

The best leaders are action-takers. When we lead by our behaviours and actions, we set a positive example for our team and inspire them to act similarly. In this way, we avoid one of the worst traits that any leader can possess: hypocrisy.


There are few things that will inspire dissent in your ranks as quickly as being seen as hypocritical.

Nobody likes being asked to do things because they feel their superior is unwilling or afraid to do it themselves. You are in charge, and with that comes responsibility. Simply giving your team the worst jobs and not participating in them yourself is abusing your power.


Leading through action also means being decisive. It means being able to decide and commit to that action.

Many leaders need to avoid the mistake of deferring or avoiding decision-making; they fear that they’ll make the wrong decision and thus lose the respect of their staff.

However, being indecisive is worse than making an unwise or incorrect decision.

On the other hand, being indecisive makes you seem weak and while acting can result in a

negative outcome, delaying a decision will only have negative consequences.

However, seeing someone who makes quick and correct decisions and doesn’t doubt themselves is nearly always inspiring.  Decisiveness also builds confidence in your team members.


How is decisiveness a mark of courage?

Simply, it means that you’re willing to accept the responsibility that comes with the

role. Being a leader doesn’t mean telling others what to do; it certainly, doesn’t mean getting to take all the credit.

Being a leader means taking responsibility for the team. It means protecting them so that they can do their best work. It means making decisions and being willing to deal with the consequences. Only when we don’t want to look bad do we avoid making decisions… and that is ultimately not an example of a good leader.


Finally, being a courageous leader means taking hits when things do not work. If you make a mistake, owning up to it and staying calm is essential, so showing this when your superiors reprimand you or the organisation risks collapsing. Likewise, it’s crucial to remain calm in a crisis. That means setting a good example when things seem wrong for the team. Your example will prevent your team from going into a panic. Stay calm, and you’ll be able to address the issue in the best possible way.

 The way you handle fear is crucial.

Everyone will find themselves in a situation they fear sometimes, and leaders are no different. It might be speaking in public for the first time, delivering a complex message, or dealing with change. No matter what, how a great leader faces their fears counts. Fear makes us remember negative past experiences; however, promoting positivity makes them feel better by reducing negative self-talk and allowing them to approach their fears now as challenges to be overcome rather than fears, thereby inspiring others to do the same.


How to Be the Hero They Need

Where do all this courage and stoicism come from? How can you acquire it if you don’t possess it naturally?

Does it mean trying to act tough?

Not at all.

Being a truly great leader comes from having the right priorities. It means forgetting yourself and, instead, focusing on your organisation’s goals and the happiness and comfort of your team. When you do that, it’s easy to be a courageous leader.


Tony Gordon

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I am a certified wellbeing practitioner and coach, helping my clients achieve their personal and professional goals. The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by helping you identify the core challenges and obstacles in your life, so that you can overcome them with confidence. I specialise in creating personalised plans and providing tools to guide you forward to achieve your desired goals.

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