How about this: What if you could get as much completed or even more if you learn to work smarter rather than working harder?
Of course, it is okay to be a hard worker, just not to the extent that you feel overwhelmed, as that can lead to burnout. However, implementing the right strategies and techniques into your personal and professional life enables you to be more productive and have more energy and ultimately provides you with time to concentrate on the more essential things in life.
Over the last few decades, advancements in technology have made our lives easier and less time-consuming. Mobiles, tablets, laptops, and many more gadgets have enabled us to reach people quicker, saving time and money by reducing traveling time and commuting costs.
For example, can you imagine where you would be without your mobile phone? It has advantages in that we can be contacted almost anywhere, wi-fi permitting. That can also be a disadvantage as unless you have your own boundaries in place it means you never really switch off from work. Laptops are very much like your mobile in that you can have access to meetings, clients, family, and friends. Not having the restriction of having to work in an office or even from your kitchen table but again you could be sitting anywhere and jump on for a few minutes as if you were in the office.
Take Google Maps, for example, saves you from getting lost as the GPS tracking system generally saves you time and stress. In fact, those of my generation will remember getting the road atlas out and trying to find where you were and trying to work out the quickest route. I am so glad I do not have to go back to those days.
Here are several tips to help you to work smarter. Implement these or maybe they will spark some suggestions of your own that you can put into practice from today reducing hassle and time and making you happier and more productive.
Start working smarter, not harder with these tips:
There is no need to reinvent the wheel - Check if the task has been done before or if anyone knows a way to complete it more efficiently.
Enhance the task - Efficiency and effectiveness are desired above all. Therefore, always look for ways to refine your job or make your tasks easier or quicker.
Pace Yourself - Give yourself enough time to complete your task by being realistic about your timescales for completion. Assess the task and work out an action plan to complete it, maybe using
something like SMART goal setting to keep you accountable and keep reviewing to learn how to complete the task by taking more efficient and specific actions.
Delegate - Who do you know that would be more suited to certain aspects of the task, it is a strength to realise that you may not be the best person for every action, therefore, always willing to ask for help when you need it. You are still in control as you can provide them with clear instructions for what you require, allow them to utilise their skill sets and creativity. This frees you to complete the aspects of the task best suited to your abilities.
Keep clear notes in an action plan to keep you accountable for the actions and timings at any stage - Reflection is such an important part of any task, it allows you to identify what has gone well and conversely what actions can be adapted in the future to improve your outcome. It helps when you look back over your year and see what you have achieved and celebrate them or if you are in a position where you have annual reviews, this provides evidence of what you have completed and learned over the past year.
Show gratitude - Firstly to anyone who has helped you, it will you to build the foundations of great co-working experiences. It makes others feel great about themselves when the realise that you value and appreciate them as well as the work they have been involved with. Be grateful to yourself, for all of your work and input over the year and celebrate all your winnings no matter how small and they inspire you to improve even more in the years ahead.
In conclusion - Avoid working hard for the sake of it - Be committed to working smarter by being more efficient and effective which will reduce your stress or overwhelm.
By implementing the right strategies and techniques will increase your performance and productivity.
If this sounds right for you, book in a free initial call and let us begin the process of enabling you to work smarter not harder.
Tony Gordon
I am a certified wellbeing practitioner and coach, helping my clients achieve their personal and professional goals. The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by helping you identify the core challenges and obstacles in your life, so that you can overcome them with confidence. I specialise in creating personalised plans and providing tools to guide you forward to achieve your desired goals.