Why are some people more motivated than others?

Why are some people more motivated than others?
Apr 25, 2023
At times you see others move on whilst you feel at a standstill, so why is it that they appear more motivated than you

We all dream of a better life, whether it be a bigger house, a better car, moving to another area, a better job or getting that big promotion. Whatever your dream is until you do something about it is just a pipedream. Only when you begin to make plans towards it and act will it be able to become a reality?

Suddenly the everyday thoughts and events take over; for example, I have no time to do that now; I am still getting ready and good enough. This manifests into the eventual thought that you are incapable of achieving your dreams, and then they get shelved, and you see others moving on, whether colleagues at work, friends, or family members and this gets you down.

Life does not have to be this way; you are more than capable of attaining your aims and goals, which will turn your dreams into reality.

First, you must learn what motivates you, as everyone is unique, and what will motivate one person may not be another. Self-motivated people are passionate about their interests. They believe in themselves and what they want to achieve. They have a growth mindset that there are always looking to move forward and are willing to face and find ways to overcome life's obstacles.

They understand their why, which is the reason behind their dreams, as this is the real motivation that drives them on, no matter what they have to face. It would be best to find yours; this will be the catalyst for taking the first step towards your goal.

A Chinese philosopher, Lau Tzu, said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", so understanding your why will motivate you to take that first step towards the outcome you ultimately want to achieve.

Therefore, it is time to stop procrastination and making excuses as they drain you of your energy and passion, so start to make the correct decisions that will allow you to move forward.

Here are three clear decisions you can implement now to get you started on your new journey.

Ø  Decide on your primary focus and why this is important, impacting your thoughts, feelings, and acts.

Ø  Decide how each situation is affecting your life. I was hoping you could do this by asking yourself, in each case, how this is affecting me now and how it will affect me going forward.

Ø  Decide what actions you should take. Once you know how the situation affects you, it allows you to take the most suitable response.

In conclusion, stop comparing yourself to others and worrying about their actions and behaviours, as it will only drain your energy, and you will lose focus.  Instead, you are the only one affecting your actions and environment by making clear decisions. Begin today, and you will be more motivated, happier and more confident in your own abilities; it will be you that others will look at in future, and they will wonder why are they more motivated than me?

Tony Gordon 






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I am a certified wellbeing practitioner and coach, helping my clients achieve their personal and professional goals. The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by helping you identify the core challenges and obstacles in your life, so that you can overcome them with confidence. I specialise in creating personalised plans and providing tools to guide you forward to achieve your desired goals.

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