It can be hard to believe that by only making some small changes, we can significantly impact our daily lives, however, believe it as it is true.
I read a fantastic book recently called “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, where he talks about this very subject; he says:
“improving by 1 percent isn’t particularly notable– sometimes it isn’t even noticeable– but it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run. The difference a tiny improvement can make over time is astounding. Here’s how the math works out: if you can get 1 percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done. Conversely, if you get 1 percent worse each day for one year, you’ll decline nearly down to zero. What starts as a small win or minor setback accumulates into something much more.”
Our lives are the result of our habits. Therefore, by making small, intentional changes in your thoughts, words, and actions, the quality of your life can change dramatically.
Are you frustrated with your life and scared of the changes you might have to make?
Don’t be as anyone can make many small and easy changes to have a more fulfilling and successful life.
Small changes have many advantages:
1. They’re mostly easier and much less intimidating to implement. Suppose you’ve ever thought about completely changing your diet, stopping smoking, getting fitter, changing jobs, or adding any other massive commitment to your life. In that case, you know how challenging it can be to overcome the enormous mental hurdles of your decision.
‣ For example, many of us are dehydrated without even knowing it. How difficult is it to drink a glass of water each morning? That’s the kind of change anyone can quickly put into practice. So, start today!!
2. Small changes slip under your radar. Our brains are hardwired to resist change. After all, whatever we’ve been doing has kept us alive thus far.
‣ Small changes are less likely to trigger the brain’s defence mechanisms. Meditating for 1 minute won’t stir up anxiety, whereas a 2-hour session probably will. Therefore, start small and try a short mindfulness or meditation taster session,
3. It’s easy to keep getting better. If you do two pushups a day this week, you can probably do three next week and four the week after. If you kill yourself and can muster up 100 pushups daily this week, how many more can you expect to do next week? So, start and see how many you can do.
‣ We’re all addicted to progress. Starting minor permits progress to be realised and enjoyed each week.
4. Small changes require little time. Finding an extra hour daily can be difficult, but anyone can find 5 minutes here and there.
‣ The less a new action disrupts your current routine, the more likely you will keep it up.
Minor changes are practical, fun, and easy to do. Taking drastic steps to move your life in a positive direction is unnecessary.
Check out some tips to increase the likelihood of success:
1. Be patient. Small actions can result in enormous changes, but it can take time to reap the rewards. One push-up per day isn’t likely to do much, but it does make it easier to do two pushups in the future. Once you’re doing ten or more, you’ll likely start to see results.
‣ Fortunately, patience is much easier when you’re doing so little. Frustration tends to set in more when you’re working too hard.
2. Start small. You’ll know you’re starting small enough when you can complete the action without any mental resistance. Add a little each week until you’re performing at a practical level. Keep a journal or spreadsheet of your progress; when you look back, you will be surprised at how much you have achieved.
3. Only add a few actions at a time. Adding twenty new things to your life might be tempting, but that has the same disadvantages as adding a more considerable action. You’ll probably feel overwhelmed and be unable to stick with it long enough to see any results.
4. Consistency is the key. Eating perfectly for a day will do nothing for your waistline. Eating pretty nutritiously for months will have a considerable effect.
5. Strive for progress rather than perfection. Extraordinary results can come from ordinary actions. The key is regular advancement. You’ll enhance your results as you make small, positive changes. Perfection is unnecessary!
Adding quick and easy actions into your life can have incredible results. You’ll progress quickly with a minimal amount of time and effort. Patience is essential in some cases, but you can do it.
Remember to be kind and forgive yourself if you don’t achieve every result immediately; all changes can make small differences. Still, over time, you and others will notice the significant differences you have made.
Starting today, what changes will you make?
Tony Gordon
I am a certified wellbeing practitioner and coach, helping my clients achieve their personal and professional goals. The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by helping you identify the core challenges and obstacles in your life, so that you can overcome them with confidence. I specialise in creating personalised plans and providing tools to guide you forward to achieve your desired goals.