Depression is NOT a one-day phenomenon.

Depression is NOT a one-day phenomenon.
Jan 18, 2023
Let’s open a conversation about mental health - every day in the same way physical health issues are discussed!

The annual "Blue Monday" was upon us again this week.

Whilst discussing this with a colleague it brought me to the conclusion that more education around what this day signifies is required and to explain the reasoning behind why it was introduced? 

This is the name given to the third Monday in January, coined as the most depressing day of the year!

Blue Monday has been around since 2005 when a UK travel company claimed to have established the date through an “equation”.

 Scientists dismissed the idea as baseless pseudo-science and it later transpired that it had been nothing more than a PR stunt by the travel company.

But the term “Blue Monday” dates way back to the 1830s - American literature referred to the “hungover state” of the labour workforce after a weekend spent drinking and associated the colour blue with a depressed state of mind.

The term has stuck, though, and the third Monday of January has been awarded the gloomy title of “Blue Monday” thanks to a combination of post-Christmas moodiness, cold dark nights, and the arrival of unpaid credit card bills

The post-Christmas mood dip, the shorter daylight hours, and typical weather at this time of the year may well affect us adversely. However, depression is an everyday phenomenon for those who truly suffer, and those sufferers feel that trivialising it as a one-day event only adds to their despair.

But if we can use this day to raise awareness and open a conversation about mental health, that can only be a good thing.

Depression is a real illness with real symptoms - it hijacks the mind and body, and it can affect individuals in many ways, physically and emotionally.

Hypnosis can help.

Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that can help you feel yourself again.

A research study concluded that 75% percent of depression sufferers fared better when receiving hypnosis, as well as cognitive behavioural therapy.

It can provide a mental roadmap which positively clarifies your view of the world, and it can return to you your self-control, self-awareness and your self- belief,  allowing you take the important first steps on your journey of recovery.

Hypnosis can:

·               reduce feelings of depression and anxiety

·               improve coping ability

·               calm the mind

·               offer renewed hope

·               return self-control


Hypnosis is wholly collaborative and begins with a conversation about what you would like to achieve. Together, we choose the correct approach and tailor your sessions to meet your individual needs.


We can meet online on locally in person, or  Zoom, Teams or Messenger; however, we meet, remember that hypnosis can help you live in the now and create joy and bring purpose to your life again!


Therefore, contact me NOW!! To find out how I will empower you to take back control of your life.


Tony Gordon

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I am a certified wellbeing practitioner and coach, helping my clients achieve their personal and professional goals. The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by helping you identify the core challenges and obstacles in your life, so that you can overcome them with confidence. I specialise in creating personalised plans and providing tools to guide you forward to achieve your desired goals.

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